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Hi! I'm Rahul Ambekar, a serious Entrepreneur.

An alumni of St. Xavier’s, Rahul Ambekar has completed his five year course of Bachelors of Architecture (B-Arch) in 1998, is the principal architect and proprietor of "OrganicArchitects" a well-established Firm founded 2002 in Mumbai. His Talents were recognized only when, by his designing efforts, his employer grabbed the Award for the best design for the "LEVITT MARKET" a multipurpose shopping Mall, held at Deolali Cantonment Board; when he was just in his Third year of his Architecture College. Since then he proved to be Boon for any company. He has completed a Thesis on "Land Reclamation and Development of Metropolitan City, Mumbai". Working with some big names in Architecture (Bharadwaj Bharadwaj & Associates) at Delhi, he started grooming onto become a Complete all round Architect. Working in Mumbai, got Specialized in all areas of Architecture. Always trying to guide colleagues, he had held successfully Traffic Survey, Build-Mat show, Ryla competitions, Sports Competitions, and other social activities. Trying out to succeed in his mottos, he wants to develop "Modernized Architecture within reach of people". Develop the concept of "Life aspect for common soul". He Wants to Organize Architecture Recourses for Human Welfare. A businessman by nature,


Mr. Rahul Ambekar is also a very successful film maker. Working as the managing director for AURA FILMS PVT.LTD. has successfully produced a Marathi movie “Lek mazhi laadki”, and part financed a Hindi movie. Planning for more new movies, serials etc. He has been working closely with the entertainment industry and the general masses at large which has given him a very close feel of the retail trends in the marketplace. 


With a burning ambition to put Maharashtra on the track to development, Mr. Rahul mooted the idea and set about formulating the business plan and strategy for "Ambekar Constructions". Realizing that there was tremendous necessity in creating infrastructure in the Interiors of Maharashtra. Planning dream homes at affordable housing schemes, Good quality accommodations, shopping and entertainment space in Maharashtra and other western states, he utilized his experience of the retail trends, project execution capabilities (Mr. Rahul is known to finish his films on schedule and at the lowest possible costs without compromising quality). Further company plans to create more and more facilities and planning for Smart Village schemes all over Maharashtra.


Tremendous Love and care for his motherland Maharashtra Mr. Rahul started serving people of Maharashtra through Raj Saheb Thackeray's political party  Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (M.N.S.) Looking at his work he has be given responsibility to work throughout Maharashtra. Organizing Railway Job fares, regular job portals, Week ends farmers Market, Educational Funding for poor, job placements for needy, self employments schemes, business development and business funding are some of the works which Mr. Rahul Ambekar has done till date. Hoping for more to come in future and a burning desire in heart to make every village of Maharashtra A Smart and economically established Village, many things have been planned and implementations are on. All the work and Life of Mr. Rahul Ambekar is dedicated for

Work of the people, for the people, benefit of the people.



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